Well, to be honest, these guys put out only two seven inches. It didn't last for a long player but I bet it would be as great as these two seven inches. German punk rock with a bit pop and english lyrics. I really like the artwork. The vinyl colour matches always the cover colour.
http://www.m ediafire.com/?lyj6hk6ox4fso9x
No Pipes No Horns
http://www.mediafir e.com/?nrapf6xrku4pbuy
31. Dezember 2012
29. Dezember 2012
Calling Gina Clark 3x
Calling Gina Clark was the predecessors of A Fine Boat, That Coffin!, playing a comparable style of slightly chaotic hardcore with screaming vocals. It's not yet that jazzy like in AFBTC but great, too. Well, I don't know if there are more than these three releases but they should be enough for this post. At least for the remains seconds of 2012.
5 Song Demo Tape
http://www.mediafi re.com/?8yl6ci241555p25
Selftitled 5"
http://www.m ediafire.com/?mq28f1vedcmc1hm
Split with Dispensing Of False Halos
http://www.mediafi re.com/?wlbambzs1qdq5da
5 Song Demo Tape
http://www.mediafi re.com/?8yl6ci241555p25
Selftitled 5"
http://www.m ediafire.com/?mq28f1vedcmc1hm
Split with Dispensing Of False Halos
http://www.mediafi re.com/?wlbambzs1qdq5da
25. Dezember 2012
Außer Ich -- Auf der Fahrradstraße nachts um halb eins
Some modern german punk rock. For now I have no tracklist but the mp3 files are correctly tagged.
download at mediafire
download at mediafire
12. November 2012
Veloz Veloz
- Wake The Plague
- Killer Fiction
- Yggdrasil
- Demon Parasites
- Second Nature
This is not a download link.
10. November 2012
VA Homo Homini Lupus
MacGyver and Farewell Records put out this compilation in 1998. It contains many good bands:
This is one link to a one click hoster which holds the songs.
- Gomorrha – Conflit
- Pink Flamingos – Pennies From Heaven
- Calloused – Desensitized
- Autoritär – To Start A War
- Irritate – Weak Shit
- Comatose – Walking (Up And Forth)
- Shank (3) – Hammer Of The Gods
- S.C.D. – Den Ljusnande Framtid Ar Var
This is one link to a one click hoster which holds the songs.
8. November 2012
Queerfish – Capri Bar
Two songs from German Queerfish:
- Better Off
- What's Wrong
6. November 2012
Schwester Sioux – Schwester Sioux
And again an austrian Sacro Egoismo records from the mid 90s. I guess the main title "Schwanzmann" gives the Marschrichtung. It is female fronted emotional punk.
- Schwanzmann
- Schwanzmann's Ende
- At Home
- Wrench
4. November 2012
Simulcast – Simulcast
Hey, finally the days are getting shorter and everyone has more time to listen to good music. If you don't know what good music is, take Simulcast. German, late 90s diy hardcore.
- Schnell, Schnell
- Faith Value
- Sue
- Fratze
19. Oktober 2012
Kinjite – Kinjite 7"
http://www.medi afi re.com/down load.php?i7s29mt87ed1mfb <- this is the download link, yes.
Well, some nice hardcore again, eleven years old. The older the better maybe? Already quite chaotic screamo in my opinion, but noone would ever ask me. I think of Swing Kids while listening to them. Maybe that's the right reference.
Well, some nice hardcore again, eleven years old. The older the better maybe? Already quite chaotic screamo in my opinion, but noone would ever ask me. I think of Swing Kids while listening to them. Maybe that's the right reference.
- The Difference Between The Difference
- Hearts Catching Fire
- The Simulation Of Life
- First Breath Revolution
16. Oktober 2012
Killflavour – Killflavour 7"
Rex Rotari is in my opinion a quite decent record label. They delivered also the 7" of Killflavour, some nice noiseposthardcorepunk with screams and melodies.
Have fun with these three songs from 1997:
- Help The Blind Men Shooting
- Competing With Another Future
- Gap / Loop
2. Oktober 2012
Rocko Schamoni – Weiter/Muster
Lucky me, i do not limit this blog to certain genres. Lucky you, you can listen to Rocko Schamonis SchlagerBlumfeldMix. At least he is related to Punk in terms of being part of the Die Goldenen Zitronen.
The two songs Weiter and Muster were released in 2007 and I highly recommend the song Weiter. Well this really got me. Haha
Get it from mediafire.!
The two songs Weiter and Muster were released in 2007 and I highly recommend the song Weiter. Well this really got me. Haha
Get it from mediafire.!
11. September 2012
Things which are uploaded again I
Finally some old uploads are back again. Back when rapidshare were useable and megaupload still there. Now the bits are hold at mediafire and I guess they will be there at least for the next three hours. Maybe a bit longer. Use the title links to get your copy from mediafire.
And please continue to ask for some restored uploads.
And please continue to ask for some restored uploads.
- Redrum 7" (more info)
This one is some hardcore like stuff from Germany. - Brutal Glöckel Terror 7" (more info)
For friends of W.B.I. and Bizarre X, from Magdeburg / Germany. Wait, you know Die Ärzte (straight outta Bückeburg!)? They covered one song from BGT. - Glasermeister Erwin Röttge Tape (more info)
Let's call it Pop Punk, again from Germany. I have trouble to define it in sense of related bands. But these four songs are definitely a try worth. Immer nach der Disko! - VA W33 Tape (more info)
Some old tunes from Leipzig / Germany.
VA Sieger Sehen Anders Aus #1 #2 #3
To make it short, this post provides all three (?) issues of "Sieger Sehen Anders Aus". This is what they look like:
First issue comes with six songs:- Atemnot – Entscheidung
- Aufschrei – Staatsgewalt
- Tunnelangst – Alles Lüge
- A.B.K. – Game Over
- Falling Down – Violence Is Cool
- Allgemeines Chaos Kommando* – Politikverdrossenheit
For me the fourth song is interesting. Young band Die Strafe seems to be misplaced as they are not the typical polical Deutschpunk. Therefore they should have named their song "Keine Zukunft" haha.- Tunnelangst – Lachen
- Atemnot – Setz Dich Zur Wehr
- Popperklopper – Hoffnung
- Die Strafe – Zukunft - Live '96
- Popperklopper – Erster Eindruck
- B.K.A. – Bulle
Atemnot as only constant in this series. Why not. You guess right, again six Deutschpunk songs.- Fuckin' Faces – Ich Geb' Auf
- Something To Burn – Secret Kind
- Tetra Vinyl – Die Zeit, Die Nie Vergeht
- Morgentot – So Bin Ich
- Atemnot – Einfach Freiheit
- Kapitulation B.o.N.n. – Echte Helden
10. September 2012
VA Tic Tac Toe
Again one fanzine 7". Tic Tac Toe was only released with two issues in 1992. This 7" is from the last issue. For me the songs of Gigantor and Peace Of Mind are interesting.
- Gigantor – Helloween I
- Chemical Maze – No Expectatins
- Engrained – Accomplishment
- Limbo Zotie – I Want To Piss On Your Suffer
- Peace Of Mind – Green Haze
9. September 2012
Superstolk 2000 / Looplab – Was kostet die Welt?
Such a nice design. Wonderful colours and comic-esque drawings. I wanted this 7" for long time just because it was released on Knorz Records. Of course, this is no punk rock. It's more like synth-pop but with the right attitude.
- Superstolk 2000 – Was Kostet Die Welt?
- Superstolk 2000 – Kleiner Schlumpf
- Looplab – Theme From Looplab
8. September 2012
VA Zefix #3
The fanzine Kruzefix #3 came with a seven inch which contained five songs. Well, not even discogs does know when it was released but today fanzines and magazines only released the brochure with CDs or, even cooler, with Tapes. Nevertheless the vinyl brings some punk and ska tunes.
- District – Propaganda Tool
- Satanic Mechanics – Valley Grrrl
- Bluekilla – Rudeboyland
- Bad News – Dead End Street
- Backoffs – Trip To Wonderland
- Horror Sapiens – Chaos In Der U-Bahn
3. September 2012
VA Hier brennt doch die Welt
Dagegen, auf allen Ebenen, mit allen Mitteln |
- El Mariachi – Durchhalteparolensong III
- Mad Minority – Klonkind
- Stackatto Granato – Reiß Die Fassade Ein!
- Stackatto Granato – Nieten Kaiser
- Stackatto Granato – Aufstand Geprobt
2. September 2012
VA Hardcore vs. Hunting
This is one nice UK Hardcore compilation. And to make it even better, it is made against fox-hunting, meaning its benefits were made for anti-fox-hunting campaigns.
- Burning The Prospect – Never Forget
- Burn All Flags – Burn The Hunt
- Knifed – I Don't Know
- Among The Missing – In The Eyes Of God
- Boxed In – The Blood Runs Red
- Fuck Hate Propaganda – Breathless Death
- Lee Malvo – Untitled
- What Price Wonderland? – Another Vessel For Destruction
25. August 2012
VA God's forsaken Children
A sampler with Pippi Longstocking on its cover must contain good music. We have:
MF – *
- Y – Blut Und Eisen
- Profan – Galkes
- Fight Da Suckas – Victims Of Intolerance
- D'Rotzbouwen – Consume My Hypocrisy
MF – *
24. August 2012
VA Agressions In An Emotional Way
Subtitled: A german Hardcore compilation. And that's exactly what you get. Systral, Peace of Mind, Day By Day are the outstanding bands from that time on this sampler. Better Tooth Organization rule with their name which reminds me of Schneller Autos Organisation. I don't mind the orthography failure on the cover.
- Day By Day – Beautiful World
- Grey – Genocide
- Spit Acid – No Lifes
- Better Tooth Organization – Right On
- Systral – Eiszeit
- Peace Of Mind – Machine
23. August 2012
Deamon's Jaded Passion 4x
SxE chaotic metallic hardcore screamo. To mention some of the attributes of Deamon's Jaded Passion, as already +Stuck In The Past+ did. They have this post where one could download the longplayer Elodea of DJP but the link does not any longer work. I did some work and uploaded not only this longplayer but only their appearances on other samplers. This is what you can download:
- Elodea (1998) MF
- Avarice & DJP Split (1999) MF
contains the songs:- Deamon's Jaded Passion – 98526
- Deamon's Jaded Passion – Half-Nelson
- Deamon's Jaded Passion – David Benner Song (Part I)
- Deamon's Jaded Passion – David Benner Song (Part II)
- Avarice – Dead Metaphor
- Avarice – Refuse
- Avarice – Third Person
- Avarice – Count Mein
- VA The Brave Do Not Fear The Grave (1999) MF
contains the songs:- Hybris – Engineered And Built
- Thoughts Of Ionesco – As Advocates (Romance)
- Deamon's Jaded Passion – The Fishwife aka Delightful Saturday Afternoon Fuck
- Reversal Of Man – Mercy
- Springwater & Linsay & DJP 3-way Split (200x, also called Three Parts of intense Emotion) MF
contains the songs:- Springwater – Ordained To Decline
- Linsay – Contentment
- Deamon's Jaded Passion – Internal Wounds Bleed
22. August 2012
Heiland Solo – Heiland Solo
The only reason for uploading this 12" is that it was released on famous Austrian punk label Sacro Egoismo. The contained music is described as avantgard experimental rock. I, for one, kinda like it. For a change to boring punk rock and hardcore you can listen here to interesting guitar solos. Give a try.
- Opportunity
- Why Shall I Never Fall In Love Again
- In All Secrecy
- I Can't Love You Anymore
- I Talk
- The Truth
- Killed Time
- Tanzstück (Remix)
- Insanity
12. August 2012
Bratseth – Arschgranate & Rockrakete
Arse grenade and rock rocket, well, you haven't expected this? These are two fine punk rock longplayers. I really dig the artwork of the Arschgranate. Bunnies are always fun. I cannot tell much about the contained music but I guess it's really nice. I don't think this is macho-esque wannabe ass kicking rock'n'roll shit that is selled today as punk rock like Turbonegro, Hellacopters and sorts of this. No, this is not my opinion. Und außerdem starb der Fahrer.
Get it from mediafire:
Don't click here
(maybe) Virus free download link
10. August 2012
Fa. Dammich – Fa. Dammich
Fine rumpel Deutschpunk with funny melodies. All I miss is a song against Deutschland. At least they're having a dig at students. Sometimes you can even hear something like an organ. Funny thing, haha.
Get it here: no one likes my shitty blog <--
Get it here: no one likes my shitty blog <--
8. August 2012
Dirt Shit – Rattenloch
1979! |
From Austria hails a legendary punk rock combo with it's wanted 7" which was repressed some years ago. The four songs might cover all relevant themes in the eightes. An obvious anti disco song. But besides the lyrics, the music is manifoldly. Reggae? Why not.
Get it here: Get gold membership for instant access
7. August 2012
Bärbel – Punkzirkus
6. August 2012
Die Leeren Versprechungen – Bella Italia
schwarz rot gold on a punk rock vinyl? wtf! |
This is only the EP / Single version with two tracks:
- Bella Italia
- 9 Wochen Und Fünf Tage
28. Juli 2012
Licht – Licht
Oh well, this 7" contains a strong reference to EA80. Sorry for all this EA80 buzzwording
Not only is Licht also a title of a track and an album of EA80 but this release also contains an image from this release.
To talk about the contained music, there are some soft and emotional tunes. I guess there stops the EA80 references. But it's really worth one try.
Not only is Licht also a title of a track and an album of EA80 but this release also contains an image from this release.
To talk about the contained music, there are some soft and emotional tunes. I guess there stops the EA80 references. But it's really worth one try.
- A Himmel (heaven)
- B1 Geburtstag (birthday) 3:19
- B2 Tu's Doch! (just do it!)
20. Juli 2012
Kein Wort Der Reue – KWDR
This 7" was once offered at german ebay. It's title included EA80, too. Why not. A bit sXe and Skinhead and punk and every record will sell in minutes..
Kein Wort Der Reue (No words for remorse) released this 7" in 1992 with four songs.
Kein Wort Der Reue (No words for remorse) released this 7" in 1992 with four songs.
- Arschloch Light (arsehole light)
- Krawattenhasser (tie hater)
- Babylon Lebt (Babylon's alive)
- Schmutz (crap)
18. Juli 2012
Halle 54 – Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei & Schöne neue Welt
[Update] Links are restored. Have fun.

Tracks (Fetten Jahre):
Tracks (Schöne neue Welt):

Doppelpack Halle 54. Keine Ahnung, ob die noch mehr Tonträger haben. Beide Tapes sind schon etwas älter.
Edit: Ein aufmerksamer Leser berichtet, worum es sich bei dem Bandnamen handelt, damit sich niemand mehr fragen muss, was 1954 in Halle los war: „in "halle 54" war eine ganze menge los, aber nur, wenn man das auslassungszeichen wegläßt. gemeint ist die (produktions)-"halle 54" im volkswagen-werk wolfsburg. die halle 54 war die erste halle, welche vollautomatisiert ausschließlich mit industrierobotern arbeitete.“ Dazu passt das Tape-Cover (Der Ausspruch und das versteckte VW-Logo, sowie der Titel), danke für die sachdienlichen Hinweise. Der Präsentkorb geht nach Klein-Schießmichtot a. d. Waldnaab. [herunterladen DfJsv]|[herunterladen SnW]
Edit: Ein aufmerksamer Leser berichtet, worum es sich bei dem Bandnamen handelt, damit sich niemand mehr fragen muss, was 1954 in Halle los war: „in "halle 54" war eine ganze menge los, aber nur, wenn man das auslassungszeichen wegläßt. gemeint ist die (produktions)-"halle 54" im volkswagen-werk wolfsburg. die halle 54 war die erste halle, welche vollautomatisiert ausschließlich mit industrierobotern arbeitete.“ Dazu passt das Tape-Cover (Der Ausspruch und das versteckte VW-Logo, sowie der Titel), danke für die sachdienlichen Hinweise. Der Präsentkorb geht nach Klein-Schießmichtot a. d. Waldnaab. [herunterladen DfJsv]|[herunterladen SnW]
Tracks (Fetten Jahre):
- ich bin ein schwein
- junk
- sieh hin - schlag zu
- tagesthemen
- dein kopf
- gameshow overkill
Tracks (Schöne neue Welt):
- punks 85
- tot
- isolationshaft
- begrenzt haltbar
- hurra
- hoert auf zu heulen
- geschichte
- halle 54
- aids
- schmutzgeschaefte (live)
- punks 85 (live)
17. Juli 2012
Die Kanzlers – Wenn es die Zeit erfordert
Again, we have here a early german punk records. Early means here late 80s and german punk something between crippled Neue Deutsche Welle and Punk Rock. But it could be worse. At least they created some nice sing-a-longs.
Die Kanzlers' EP offers two songs:
Download the EP at mediafire.
![]() |
Forgot to scan the cover, here's only the label. |
- Wenn es die Zeit erfordert
- Alte Liebe
Download the EP at mediafire.
12. Juli 2012
Shag – Panik in der Hauptstadt 7"
For many weeks and months there is this one auction at german eBay which offers the 7" "Panik in der Hauptstadt" from Shag. 12.99 Euro is much money for a two song vinyl. Maybe this records is rare but how about to listen to it first? Give it a try. And decide if it really sounds like EA80 or Boxhamsters. I don't think so. Nevertheless it's nice german punk rock from the early 90s. Never heard something else from the four Duisburg guys.
One side features the title song "Panik in der Hauptstadt" (Panic in the capital) and the other side runs "Ich habe genug" (I have enough). Six minutes, eight megabytes.
11. Juli 2012
The Bionic Elbows & Se Sichelzecken Split
I finally re-uploaded this fine release. Two awesome german bands. There names are full of win I guess.

36:15 min
62.2 MB

Die Bandnamen sind ja schon Hammer, aber die Musik erstmal. Se Sichelzecken haben sich 2002 in Köln gegründet und bis 2008 ihre Musik unter das Volk gebracht. Nachfolgeprojekt ist Mofa. Mitglied Oile Lachpansen ist auch als Liedermacher/Accustic-Haudegen unterwegs. Tjoa, und The Bionic Elbows? Stehen den Sichelzecken in nichts nach! :D
- The Bionic Elbows - Playin' Games [03:12]
- The Bionic Elbows - Bionic [02:34]
- The Bionic Elbows - Sorry [02:05]
- The Bionic Elbows - Outta Space Experience [03:20]
- The Bionic Elbows - Romeo Agent [03:14]
- The Bionic Elbows - Vaseline & Gasoline [03:23]
- Se Sichelzecken - Super Band [00:10]
- Se Sichelzecken - Tod für Deutschland [01:11]
- Se Sichelzecken - Amerika sucht den Superkrieg [01:17]
- Se Sichelzecken - Ich will kein SARS haben [02:17]
- Se Sichelzecken - Spermatango [02:24]
- Se Sichelzecken - Wir sind die Sichelzecken [02:06]
- Se Sichelzecken - Ich mach alles kaputt [01:09]
- Se Sichelzecken - Kint [01:11]
- Se Sichelzecken - Domplattenpunker [01:31]
- Se Sichelzecken - Doch O.k. [01:55]
- Se Sichelzecken - Affenmann [03:09]
36:15 min
62.2 MB
10. Juli 2012
Another Problem – Another Problem LP
If you have a good taste in music, your first thought when reading Münchengladbach is probably, hey this should be spelled Mönchengladbach. That's right. The next thought could be EA80. But this decent town in the far west of germany has to offer some other bands.
One is Another Problem. You can download their selftitled long player from this blog. The style is some kind of hardcore as I would expect from the early 90s but these guys just got to release their songs in 1997. No problem, sound nice as well. To get back to the beginning of this post, of course, Another Problem say Hello to EA80 on the inlay of this LP.
One is Another Problem. You can download their selftitled long player from this blog. The style is some kind of hardcore as I would expect from the early 90s but these guys just got to release their songs in 1997. No problem, sound nice as well. To get back to the beginning of this post, of course, Another Problem say Hello to EA80 on the inlay of this LP.
9. Juli 2012
Die Ärsche – Spaß ha'm
So, this could be some easy trick. Got a favourite and famous band, just found your own and give it a name that sound much alike the first one. (Trying also to) playing a same style wouldn't be that worse.
Example number one is: Die Ärsche, everyone knows Die Ärzte (aus Berlin).
Get the two songs about paranoia and violence at one of the best share hoster left. #. It's heavily end 80s influenced german punk rock a.k.a. fun punk. Like Abstürzende Brieftauben and stuff. As far as I know the only release. And so obscure not even discogs feature it (up to now..). I for one, love the artwork even if it is only b/w copied paper.
To mention one last thing, one song is a cover version of a Tot- und Mordschlag hit.
Example number one is: Die Ärsche, everyone knows Die Ärzte (aus Berlin).
Get the two songs about paranoia and violence at one of the best share hoster left. #. It's heavily end 80s influenced german punk rock a.k.a. fun punk. Like Abstürzende Brieftauben and stuff. As far as I know the only release. And so obscure not even discogs feature it (up to now..). I for one, love the artwork even if it is only b/w copied paper.
To mention one last thing, one song is a cover version of a Tot- und Mordschlag hit.
19. Juni 2012
No more 4shared?
Sorry to all, but 4shared seems to allow download only for registered users. If you don't want to register but to download, leave a comment and I'll upload the releases to mediafire.
8. Mai 2012
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